Gerry-Explainer Video Contest!

Fair Districts PA and the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania invite you to submit a short explainer video as part of the People-Powered Fair Maps initiative.

While we’re social distancing we’re looking for ways to connect, engage and share what we know about gerrymandering and the need for redistricting reform. What better way to do that than with a video contest for anyone interested?

Teachers, feel free to use this as a class assignment. Group efforts (done remotely) are welcome.

Families, feel free to use this as a family project. The more fun and all-age-friendly the better.

To get you started, consider one of the following questions (or ask your own!):


WHO can participate? Anyone interested in gerrymandering and redistricting reform.

TOPIC: Gerrymandering, gerrymandered district maps and the need for redistricting reform.

PRIZES: Visa gift cards: $500 for top entry; $300 second prize; $100 third prize.

LENGTH: 2 minutes or less

FORMAT: Any format supported by YouTube upload.

STYLE: Submissions can be live action or animation. Anything that might work in a TV commercial would be considered eligible (song, straight-forward information, cartoon, dramatic portrayal, voice-over – be creative).

SELECTION CRITERIA: Videos will be judged on creativity, clarity, quality and contribution to viewer understanding.

DEADLINE: Contest submissions must be uploaded to Youtube, then online entry form completed and release forms received by email before midnight, May 15, 2020. Winners will be announced by June 1, 2020.

HOW WILL WINNING ENTRIES BE USED? Submitted videos will be used on Youtube, social media, local group meetings and more.


Videos should be posted on YouTube. All uploaded videos must be viewable under the public or unlisted settings. You will need to have a YouTube account in order to do this. Here’s how:

Entrants must comply with the technical and all other requirements of YouTube. Go to the YouTube Help page.

NOTE: Save your video in the original format after uploading it to YouTube. If your submission is a finalist you may be asked to provide us with your submission in its original format.


  1. Once your video has been uploaded to YouTube, submit an entry information with YouTube URL. Although groups may work together, one group member must be designated the primary contact. That person should complete the Contest Entry Form, which also serves as a contest release form for that individual.
  2. Any additional group member (creator or actor) must provide a Contest Release Form.
  3. Any participant under 18 (creator or actor) must provide a release form with parental consent.
  4. Download Contest Release Form, here. It is a fill-able PDF that can be completed using Adobe Reader or other PDF Readers software. If that doesn’t work, print, fill out, and send by email as attachments to [email protected].
  5. Video AND entry information must be submitted before midnight on May 15, 2020.

QUESTIONS: Email [email protected]


Contest Entry Form

Contest Release Form

Contest Rules:

Videos must not:
